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“Away with the punishment for clients!”: Support constitutional complaint

New version of ยง 232a Abs.6 StGB from October 2021 can be understood as a prostitution ban through the back door. "Act to amend the Criminal Code - more effective combating of stalking and better recording of cyberstalking as well as improvement of criminal law protection against forced prostitution" - this is the unwieldy title of an amendment to the law from last year. Already On October 1, 2021, the tightening of the "Freierstrafbarkeit" initiated by the old federal government came into force. Clammy and secretly it had been passed of the night. But what sounds right at first glance,...

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Bundestag passes amendment to the law on the criminal liability of clients

The Bundestag met again for almost 18 hours and passed a whole series of new laws. In addition to stricter criminal laws against right-wing agitation, stalking and identity theft, the whole regulations also include one on forced prostitution. With the latter amendment one wants to achieve an earlier criminal liability for clients in human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. As the first media reports summarize, a regulation has now been created with which clients make themselves liable to prosecution if they have clear indications of forced prostitution - such as physical...

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